Sunday, January 30, 2011

Back to Work

On Taylor's 13th week, I went back to school and Pete stayed home with her. I had been dreading my return for twelve months, but the Lord was very gracious and allowed the transition for all of us to go much better than I had anticipated. "Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God" Philippians 4:6. If only I would live by these words as He commands me, I would have such an easy life. I am so very grateful for all of the people who were praying for us and this week, the Lord was listening (of course) and answered our prayers. My First week back was MLK, followed by three half days and then a teacher work day (which I brought Taylor with me). It was such a blessing to have a very gradual return. When I called Pete on Tuesday, the first day, I said "well how is it going". Pete said "it's going good, she took her bottle just fine and she is sleeping, but this is soooo much work! I don't know where I have been for the last 12 weeks but I can't get anything done, and I am exhausted!" This of course made me laugh and praise God again for His infinite wisdom as I know that when I do stay home Pete will never ask me what in the world I have been doing all day with all of my free time. :) So to all you stay-at-home moms, Pete definitely understands where you are coming from and appreciates all that you do!

It really is working out to be a wonderful arrangement. I feed Taylor in the morning and spend an hour with her and then lay her town for her first nap when I leave for school. Pete spends all day with her and then I return at 3:00 to feed her and take care of her the rest of the night. I encourage Pete to go and do something fun or spend some time by himself, which he sometimes takes me up on. The second day that I called him to see how things were going he said that Taylor had a huge poop explosion. He told me that while he was changing her diaper (which was full and running out) she started pooping a volcano poop. He said it was horrible and he dry heaved three times in the process of cleaning her up. I laughed hysterically picturing this in my head. One of the most fun things about coming home (besides getting to be with Pete and Taylor of course) is to see what outfit Pete has her dressed in for the day. He always has her dressed in the most adorable clothes with matching socks/tights and bows.

I am so grateful that the Lord did not give me what I thought was best, and instead gave me what He knew was best. I am grateful that Pete and Taylor are getting to have this very special time together and that God has given me a job that I like, with wonderful co-workers and students. One thing I wanted to do before I went back to work, was to print a bunch of pictures of Pete and Taylor to put up on my bulletin board. I did not manage to get this done before going back and was disappointed that I would not have any pictures for my first day. As always, the Lord was so good! My sweet friend Maria came into my room with a gift of two of my favorite pictures of Taylor in pretty frames. I am so thankful for the people that the Lord has put in our life to encourage and love us. He never ceases to amaze me!

This was the outfit Pete had Taylor in when I got home the first day. I took a picture of the two of them togther on thier first day, but Pete looks worn out and I don't think he would appreciate me posting it. :)

1 comment:

  1. Grace,
    That's so sweet. I am glad that it's working out ok for you going back to work and all. It's gotta be hard, but I admire your outlook on it all. This too will pass, right? She is absolutely the cutest thing ever and I can't wait till the girls meet for the first time :) You all are so special! Love you all with all my heart! Oh..and I'm glad that Pete has an appreciation of stay-at-homers :) John says the same thing after watching the kids for a day!
