Tuesday, June 15, 2010

School Shower, 22 Weeks and the Nursery

This was the plate and napkin design from my school shower.

I still have not received the pictures from the moms of the shower, but this is the picture I took when I got home that day. Notice the books; Annelie wrote little notes on each book with her thoughts or memories for them.

22 week belly shot
A little more skin :)

The nursery! Every time I walk in this room I smile. It is so peaceful and serene, and I absolutely love it. I can still hardly believe there is going to be a baby sleeping in that crib in just a few short months.

On top of the changing table is one of two diaper cakes I received from my shower. It is so pretty that I hate to undo it and put everything away.


  1. And YOU are going to live in that bed, sister!

  2. I forgot to say...I love the nursery! You are really smart to keep a bed in there! So this is a nursery and not the master anymore?? JK

  3. The nursery looks great. This blog is great, finally technology has done me a service.

  4. Yeah! I can finally post!!! :)
    The room looks beautiful! I love the yellow!

  5. Looks Great! I think you need a stencil for one of those walls.
